This is an all time favorite classic. So amazing.. both, studio and live version.. Gus Gus – Polyesterday – Live Nite Club on Viva 2

This is an all time favorite classic. So amazing.. both, studio and live version.. Gus Gus – Polyesterday – Live Nite Club on Viva 2
I am not even gonna start talking about this vintage mix except that I freaking love it, just read what the creator himself says about it: Seems you can’t listen to music today without hearing some reference or other to … Continue reading
one of the best chill tracks EVER!.. btw it’s 18 years old :)
mixing the genres
music to get nude.. by jaffa
Real Classic from 1982. Charanjit Singh is a musician from Mumbai, India, who worked for Bollywood productions in the 60s 70s and 80s. He was also a great producer on his Roland and other Synths. Love this track especially.
Os Cariocas are a Brazilian popular music band. The band was founded in 1942 by Ismael Neto, and continues to perform today and here’s one heck of a fun piece by them.. :)
Released in 1994 by Space Teddy. I think back in the days Dr. Motte was a Co-Founder of that label. Classic minimal ambient style acid techno per excellence… Love it.
Co Founder of Kompakt, Juergen Paape introduced this amazing track in 2001. After all of these years his sound is still up to date and that won’t probably change in the future. soundcloud
1991. Italo Techno. 22 years ago light years ahead. La musica per excellence :) And just released: Hunts Up – No Future No Past Mix
Great classic. DJ Krush – [1999] Kakusei – Final Home (Vocal version) featuring Esthero
All I say is: 1995! :) Aringdingdingding aringdingding